Moving Tips
At Boundless Moving & Storage, we recommend the following moving tips to make your move less stressful and keep you more organized:
Packing Plastic Storage Bins
- Plastic storage bins are great for clothes, shoes, Christmas decorations, crafts and the like.
- Not all bins are the same, so make sure that you tape them shut. You don’t want lids popping off and your property falling out or getting damaged.
- Remember to pack the bins as tightly as possible. Less bins equals savings. Use blankets or clothes to fill in the gaps. This will not only serve to protect your possessions, but will also save you money.

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- Place a layer at the bottom of the box with newspaper or better yet, bubble wrap. This base is a very important step when packing, so don’t skip this or you could have broken dishes. DO NOT use newsprint on fine china or bone china.
- Plates are stronger when standing up, so do not lay them flat. Place a few layers of packing paper or bubble wrap in front of the first plate, then place in the second. Continue until the box is tightly packed.
- After placing the plates, fill the rest of the entire box with newspaper so it is tight. The point is not to have any space in the box. This will prevent any crushing or breakage due to movement or shaking.
- Tape up along the middle of the box along with the seals on each side.
- Remember to mark the boxes for your movers. Make it obvious – write FRAGILE GLASS on the top and sides. This will ensure your movers handle the boxes properly.
- A Boundless Moving & Storage Packing Crew can come over prior to your move to help pack if needed. Please email or call to get details.
Packing Glass or China Cups
- Line the bottom of the box with newspaper or better yet, bubble wrap. Don’t be shy, be generous with they amount you place at the bottom of the box.
- Wrap all cups and tops with bubble wrap. If you don’t have bubble wrap, packing paper or newspaper will be fine, but you will need to use at leas three layers.
- FYI – if you use newsprint, expect to rewash all the ink from your dishes.
- DO NOT use newsprint in fine china
- Dividers of cardboard or packing paper should be placed between individual cups and larger items to avoid movement and breakage. When wrapping items with a lid, wrap each piece individually and then again together.
- Pack rest of box with paper and/or bubble wrap to avoid wiggle room or the box getting crushed.
- Remember to mark the boxes for your movers. Make it obvious – write FRAGILE GLASS on the top and sides. This will ensure your movers handle the boxes properly.
Packing Pictures, Mirrors, and Large Glass Items
- For most pictures and mirrors, you will need four pieces
- If you do not have picture boxes, call Boundless Moving & Storage and we can pack them for you.
- Place the picture frame on an over-sized piece of bubble wrap.
- Wrap picture in bubble wrap as if you were wrapping a presents.
- Secure wrapping with packing tape.
- Slide picture into the opening of the box.
- Seal end securely with packing tape.
- When loading on the truck, keep on its side, NOT FLAT. This will help absorb any jostling during transit and avoid damage.
- Boundless Moving & Storage will bring 10 picture pieces and bubble wrap. Please contact the office if you will need more.
- 1.5 Boxes – small used for heavy items like books. If you are moving locally, you can pack cans of food in these boxes and other dense items. We will have 5 of this size box on a truck – if you need more please call ahead.
- 3.1 Boxes – medium most common box used for lamp bases, pots, pans, garage tools, kitchen appliances, toys, and lamps fit best in this size box. We will have 5 of this size box on a truck – if you need more please call ahead.
- 4.5 Boxes – large boxes typically known as linen boxes best for – you guessed it – linens, clothes, towels, etc. We will have 5 of this size box on a truck – if you need more please call ahead.
- Wardrobe Boxes – Boundless Moving & Storage will bring 5 wardrobe boxes on the day of your move. Let us move your hanging-clothes for you – the last thing you need after a move is the need to visit the dry cleaners.
- Dish-Packing Boxes – These are heavy duty boxes with thick cardboard for all dishes, servers, china, glass and other miscellaneous fragile items.
- Mattress Bags – Highly over-rated, Boundless Moving & Storage will bring high quality shrink-wrap to every job to wrap all upholstered items. Wooden and metal items will be covered with moving blankets. There will be no need for you to purchase expensive mattress bags.
Other Stuff to Make Your Move Less Stressful
- Pack an Overnight Bag for you and your family essentials. The last thing you will want to do after a move is search for toothpaste
- Pack any items you will need immediately in plastic bins
- Label, label, label! Label your boxes so you moving crew doesn’t have to bug you on the day of the move. This will save you time and money! Also, if you label the boxes we can put them in the room they belong, i.e. “shoes” would go near the closet, etc.
- Think Vertical – pack everything vertically as it has less chance of being damaged
- Keep moving tools, screws, etc. in baggies in your Essential Overnight Bag
- Defrost your refrigerator the night before – you don’t want that thing leaking on your stuff or the floor
- Yes, it’s okay to leave things in the drawers – just not little items that may fall out during the move
- Label your cords – you may want to even take a photo to show how they are plugged in. Color coding with duct tape will also be very helpful
- Organization is Key! Make sure you give yourself enough time and take everything out before you pack. Organize items by box size then go from there. We highly suggest you have Boundless Moving & Storage do the packing. It usually takes a moving crew of 3 about 7 hours to pack an entire 3000 square foot, four bedroom home. You may be rolling your eyes or asking how? But it’s really true that having someone else will probably much quicker. We are professionals. You may get interrupted, be tempted to multi-task, and of course there’s the time you find an old memento and end up daydreaming for 20 minutes…
- Hire Boundless Moving & Storage.